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http://www.100md.com 2017年3月1日 《世界中医药》 20175
     摘要 目的:考察评价者是否理解中医原文对中医经典英译质量评价的影响及读者对中医经典翻译的基本要求。方法:选取黄帝内经中5段经文的Ilza Veith英译本、李照国英译本和课题组英译本,通过调查问卷的方式探讨美国诊所的患者在通晓这五段经文含义的前后对这3个译本的评价,并用同样的方法考察他们对中医经典英译的基本要求。结果:被调查者在通晓原文含义前后对译文的评价差别悬殊。绝大多数被调查者认为中医经典著作的英译本不仅需要英语语言流畅,更需要知识信息准确。结论:在中医经典译文质量评价的研究中,问卷调查对象对原文的理解直接影响调查研究的结果。因此,这种研究必须在调查对象通晓原文含义的基础上进行。中医知识信息翻译的准确性和英语水平是评价译文质量的2个基本要素。

    关键词 中医典籍;翻译;问卷

    Abstract Objective:To text whether evaluators understand original texts may affect their evaluation on the translation of Chinese classics into English, and to investigate readers′requirement on the translation quality of those Classics. Methods:We selected the English versions of 5 passages from Huangdi′s Internal Classic transtalted by Ilza Veith, Li zhaoguo and this research group, and the Ehglish versions were evaluated twice by the patients in a clinic of the United States by means of questionnaires, once before they fully understood the meaning of original texts and once after. And with the same method, the basic requirements for the translation of traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) were investigated. Results:The evaluations on the translations were quite different before and after the patients understood the original texts. The vast majority of respondents believed that the English translation of Chinese classics not only required to be fluent in language, but also required to be accurate on information. Conclusion:In the study of the quality evaluation of TCM translation, whether the evaluators fully understand the original text directly affects evaluation results. The evaluators shall not evaluate any translations until they fully understand the original texts. Accurate translation of TCM knowledge and English level are the two basic factors to evaluate the quality of the translation.

    Key Words TCM Classics; Translation; Questionnaire



    依靠调查问卷研究整理外国读者的反馈信息,可为提高中医典籍英译质量提供客观的参考依据,对中医经典著作的英译更有着现实的指导意义[5]。但是目前通过调查问卷的手段获取目的语国家读者对中医经典译文评价的研究非常少[5-6],课题组通过CNKI只检索到5篇类似的研究论文[5-9]。而且这些研究的问卷调查对象主要是外国学生。一般来讲,在没有特殊培训的情况下,学生这个群体对中医经典的理解是很有限的。即便是中国学生在有白话文的帮助下有时对经文的理解都比较困难。可是所有这些问卷在设计上都忽视了一个重要事情,那就是被调查者本身是否完全理解了所译经文所承载的知识信息。如果被调查者不理解经文原文的含义,就没有能力从信息传递的准确性角度去评价译文的质量。为了确认这一逻辑推理,课题组用调查对比的方式考察了评价者理解原文与否对中医典籍英译质量评价的影响,并用同样的方法考察他们对中医经典英译的基本要求。, 百拇医药(刘明 范琳琳 汪顺)
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